Hon. Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart Katureebe inspecting the guard of honour
The Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, lashed out at security agencies for abusing their power and authority when arresting suspects.
Flanked by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Rtd Gen Kahinda Otafiire, the Chief Justice, while commissioning of the Justice Centres of Rubirizi, Ibanda and Kiruhura, warned security agencies on torture.
"Security forces, when you are arresting Ugandans, arrest them like human beings not animals.We do not want you to bring people in court while bleeding, failing to walk and sick because such people belong to the hospital, not court," Hon. Justice Katureebe said.
Hon. Justice Katureebe made the statements at Rubirizi on Thursday (August 30, 2018) and repeated them at both Ibanda and Kiruhura on Friday (August 31, 2018).
The statement are in reference to the brutal arrest and torture of more than 30 people, including Members of Parliament on August 13, 2018 ahead of the Arua Municipality by-election.
The CJ added, "Article 44 of the Constitution of Uganda sets out rights that cannot be derogated in any circumstances one of which is freedom from torture,cruel and inhumane treatment."
"Even the Baganda say you cannot wrestle someone down and then bite them."
The Chief Justice said he, on August 17, 2018, had written to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, copying in the Prime Minister, in the aftermath of the Arua skirmishes.
"We know that sometimes the situation is fluid and some people may overreact but when someone is subservient there no need for torture," he advised.
The number four citizen said such acts affects court processes. "For us as court, when a suspect says they were tortured, that evidence is not admissible.If you get a confession due to torture, you mess up the case."
The head of the Judiciary said accused persons who are victims of torture are produced in court they will be given bail and sent to hospitals.
Posted 1st, September 2018